The Truth About Grains Did you know that eating the good grains can cause inflammation and digestive issues? You may think these foods are good for you, but they may not be. Wheat, brown rice, barley, rye, couscous and oatmeal can actually cause an imbalance in your gut and throw off your immune system. These grains contain gluten which can lead to food sensitivities, gastrointestinal problems, allergies, joint pain and auto-immune conditions. It has been proven that inflammation is the root cause of most diseases including heart disease, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimers and some cancers. Eating traditional bread can elicit a range of unhealthy (and uncomfortable) symptoms. It might make you feel sluggish and foggy headed. It can cause you to gain unsightly fat on your belly and thighs – while packing on deadly visceral fat around your internal organs. And if that’s not enough, the glycemic index of wheat is among the highest of all foods. According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating just two slices of whole w
heat bread spikes your blood sugar more than drinking a can of soda or eating a candy bar.
Many gluten-free products are made with high-glycemic starches that can increase your blood sugar faster and higher than wheat itself! The bottom line-Although whole grains are better for you than white flour foods they are still processed. Eat them in moderation. The traditional American diet is heavy on carbs and focuses less on nutrient rich lean protein and healthy fats. Strive for organic grass-fed pasture-raised protein and gluten free grains. Healthy Oils & Gluten Free Grains: Swap out butter and margarine with healthy fats like organic olive oil, avocados/avocado oil, ghee (clarified butter without the caisen) flax oil and coconut oil. If you are sensitive to gluten, try these gluten-free grains instead: Buckwheat,Cassava, Quinoa, and Teff. Why buy Organic? Healthy food is our best form of fuel and medicine. And to make sure that you’re avoiding harmful toxins used to produce most conventional foods, buy local, organic foods as much as possible. Here’s some of the benefits of organic foods: * Organic produce is grown without toxic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, fertilizers and other harmful chemicals. * Organic meats, poultry and eggs are produced without the use of hormones and antibiotics. * Organic foods do not contain GMOs. * Organic foods are produced in ways that support a healthy environment. * Organic foods have higher levels of cancer-protecting antioxidants. * Organic foods are superior in protein quality. * Organic foods are four times more nutritious than non-organic foods. Animals raised on conventional farms are fed genetically modified grains and soy, plastic, cardboard, newspaper, sawdust, cement dust, mix of sewage and oils and road kill. Beef cattle raised exclusively on grass have more omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants than grain fed meat. A Word About Sugar It goes without saying that cookies, pastries, juices and other sugary snacks cause inflammation and weight gain. Once in a while it's OK to have desert - you have to live a little! Beware of sugary fruit such as apricots, dates, prunes and pineapple. Replace these with berries instead. If you must have sweetener in your coffee, try natural stevia, a plant based sweetener. Follow the 80/20 rule: Make it a goal to eat healthy 80% of the time. Give yourself permission to cheat 20% of the time then go back to eating clean.