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Ahana Healing logo with purple and aubergine petals over healing hands.

"Marianne is a talented Energy Healer and Life Coach who I heartfully recommend to anyone who is open to learning more about themselves."
- J. D. Ela, CEO Coach

Owner and Reiki Master, Marianne Mullin with a client during a Reiki energy healing session.

Integrated Energy Therapy®

IET® heals with the gentle energy of angels to release physical, emotional or mental blockages at the cellular level. The healing system focuses on identifying and releasing suppressed emotions stored in nine specific locations in the body. A light hand touch is used on the body similar to Reiki, however when IET® is channeled through the energy field, trapped emotions and limiting energy patterns from your past are identified and released. IET® balances the chakras, promotes self-healing and increases your connection to Spirit bringing you to a place of inner peace.

One Hour Session|$90

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